Customizing the start up page (Kazaa Lite version 2.0.2 with K++ 2.0.2)

Start your registry editor. StartMenu > Run > type regedit

Go to the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\K++ Loader\KazaaStartPage

Modify this value to anything you want, for example:

Just remember that sites on the Internet must start with http:// and that local pages must start with file:// followed by the full path.

Customizing the start up page (Kazaa Lite version 2.0.0 and above)

It is possible to change the Kazaa start up page to whatever website you want, even your own webpage. This can be done by making a little modification to your Kazaa.exe file.

First of all, you need to have the Resource Hacker tool. It is freeware and you can download it here. The file is just 541 KB. All you need to do is unzip it, and it is ready to use.

Second. Always make a backup copy of the file your are going to modify!

Now, lets get to business. Start Resource Hacker and open up the file Kazaa.exe

Go to 'String Table', click on '7', click on '1033'.
Line 105 is the one we are going to modify.

When you modify a string you should always try to keep the string approximately the same length.

Redirecting to a website:

If you want for example the website loaded into Kazaa.

If the current text is this:

"file://c:/program files/kazaa lite/web/start.htm?bogus_fill_up_here_123456789123456789123456789

you should replace it with this:


Everything behind the ? is just to keep the text about equally long as the original.

Now click on 'Compile Script'. After that save your file. Done!

Redirecting to your own custom webpage:

Just modify start.htm

You can probably find it in C:\Program Files\Kazaa Lite\web\start.htm

Redirecting to a blank page:

Create an empty textfile and copy the following code into that textfile:

<html><head><title></title></head><body bgcolor=#FFFFFF text=#000000 link=#00FF00></body></html>

Save the textfile. Now rename this textfile to "start.htm" (without the quotes). Replace the current start.htm (see above) with yours.
Note: Make sure you have "hide file extentions for know filetypes" turned of. In Windows Explorer, go to Tools > Folder Options > View to turn if off. Otherwise the file might get the name start.htm.txt and it wouldn't work.

Important Note:

If you block outgoing web access for Kazaa.exe with your firewall, then you will not be able to load websites into Kazaa. You will get an error message instead. Using your own custom webpage can work however, as long as all the files you use are on your harddisk, and open outside links in a new browser window.